Ectropion / Entropion
Entropion and ectropion are lower eyelid malpositions, where the eyelid is either turning inwards / towards the eye (entropion) or outwards / away from eye (ectropion).
When an entropion is present, affected people may notice that their eye is much more watery and irritated than normal. Often one can see the lashes in touch with the eye itself. This can be a uncomfortable and can leave to scarring on the surface of the eye over time.
An ectropion can also cause watering of the affected eye, and make the eye look more red than normal. This is especially the case in the setting of severe ectropion or tarsal ectropion.
Lubricating eye drops may provide temporary relief, but surgical treatment is required for lasting results.
Dr Ullrich will examine your eyes and eyelids to determine the reasons for your eyelid conditions and discuss all treatment options with you.